Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Inspiring Story

This story is dedicated to our dear teacher who’s sometimes unaware of their action that may bring a positive or a negative impact to the student's life. In addition, we should be mindful of our actions on how we deal with others since “no can tell what type of impact we make on another's life.” Though, this is just a fictional story but I guess this is happening in a real life setting.

Every time I watched this video, I always remember a student who gave me a christmas present of a slightly used pooh with 3 marbles inside of it and I don't care if it was slightly used what matter most was the student remembered me.

So inspiring to view!

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Wonderful Story

I was so moved and touched when I saw this story played by the priest during his homily.

The story showed a jam-packed life's lesson of Sacrifice, Unselfish Love, Heroism and A New Beginning.

It’s a reminder for me how God loves us to the point that He sacrificed his only Son just to save the mankind despite of all the sins we did.

It's worth viewing!

Monday, March 15, 2010

College Days or High School Days?

As I was compiling all the pictures that I had when I was in college, I had a chance to reminisce all the memories that I had either good or bad but not so much on the bad side. I could say that even though I had gone through so many difficulties but still I was happy to think it over.

These were the happy memories that I had. No social climber among my classmates as well to my teachers. Teachers treated each student fairly. Competition was there but everybody was a good player. No discrimination between rich and not so well- off.

These experiences that I had taught me so well and made me say that College Days was the Best and Worth Remembering.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I was a bit hit as what the priest said that people nowadays don’t want to sacrifice. Some just want an easy life, searching for fun as well as night life. This is the reason why that if problems pop up then most people prefer to run away rather than facing them and solving it. Somehow, the priest has a good point and that reminds me to do a little sacrifice in life.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Simplicity of Life

Last February 2010, my friend and I volunteered at School for the Blind as caregiver. I was so thankful with this experience since it taught and reminds me the simplicity of life like:
Why live a complicated way of life while I can live in a simple way.
Why live an unsatisfied life while I can be satisfied in little things.
Why is it that despite their condition they can still do normal things as what normal person does?

I was moved and touched by these kids. I miss being with them and talk with them.

Lead Me Lord

Everytime I heard the Lead Me Lord song, I couldn't stop my tears since this was played during my college retreat and somehow it reminds me about Lord and Life. As I noticed, the lyrics of the song was so great and I guess I can relate to this song. Each day I am seeking for Lord's guidance and He is my life, and I can't live alone. Lead Me Lord.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hong Kong's Currency

Hong Kong Dollar has been the Currency of Hong Kong, it is normally written as HK$.

